Nose Gear 前起落架; Main Gears 主起落架; Tail Gear 尾橇; Wheel 機輪; Wheel-Well 輪艙; Brakes 剎車; Strut 支柱; Extend/Retract System 放輪/收輪系統; Up-Lock 上位鎖; Down-Lock 下位鎖; Internal Lights 內部燈光; Dome Light 圓頂燈; Flood Light 泛光燈; Reading Light 閱讀燈; Exit Light 應急出口燈; Console Lighting 操縱臺照明; External Light 外部燈光; Strobe 頻閃燈; Landing 著陸燈; Taxi 滑行燈; Location 位置燈; Anti-Collision 防撞燈; 句子: AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT, System test equipment that operates under computer control. 自動測試裝置,在計算機控制下運作的系統測試裝置 AUTOPILOT, A system which automatically controls and guides the flight of an airplane. 自動駕駛儀, 自動操縱和引導飛機飛行的系統。 AUTOPILOT FLIGHT DIRECTOR SYSTEM, An integrated system containing autopilot and flight director functions. 自動駕駛飛行指引系統, 一個綜合自動駕駛和飛行指引功能的系統。 AUTOTHROTTLE, A system which automatically controls the throttles of an airplane. 自動油門, 自動控制飛機油門的系統。 AUXILIARY POWER UNIT, A small turbine engine in the airplane for supplying electrical and pneumatic power for systems operation on the ground or in flight. 輔助動力裝置, 是飛機內的小渦輪發動機,在地面或空中給各系統提供電源和氣源。 AVIONICS, An acronym designating the field of aviation electronics. 航空電子學, 是航空電子領域的一特有名稱。 AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSOR, A type of compressor used in a gas turbine engine in which air passes through the compressor in a straight flow, front to rear. 軸流壓縮機, 一種用于燃氣渦輪發動機內的壓氣機。空氣由發動機的前部軸向流入壓縮后,由后部流出。 AXIS, An imaginary straight line or an actual physical component (such as an axle) around which a body can rotate. 軸線, 可讓物體圍繞著作旋轉運動的一個想像的直線或實際存在的部件(如軸)。 |