一、航空器及其系統(aircraft and its system) (一)航空器機構(aircraft structure) 機體(飛機除發動機外的完整結構)airframe 機身(不包括機翼、機尾、發動機)fuselage 駕駛艙cockpit/flight deck 機頭nose 風擋windshield/ windscreen 機腹belly~landing 蒙皮skin 前部front (fore) part 后部rear (aft) part 左舷(舵)port~engine 右舷(舵)starboard~engine 內側發動機inboard engine or inboards 外側發動機outboard engine or outboards 發動機吊艙nacelle 輪艙wheel well 主輪main landing wheel 前輪nose wheel (大)機翼(main) wing 機翼前緣leading edge 機翼后緣trailing edge 翼尖wing tip 操縱面control surface 副翼ailerons 縫翼slots/slats 升降舵elevators 方向舵rudder 垂直安定面fin(vertical stabilizer) 水平安定面 horizontal stabilizer 調整片trim tab 襟翼(內側襟翼,外側襟翼,前緣襟翼)flaps (inboard flap, outboard flap, leading edge flaps) 襟翼設定flap setting 襟翼角flap angle 全襟翼位置full flap position 放下襟翼(收上襟翼)extend the flaps (retract the flaps) 無襟翼著陸/無襟翼無縫翼著陸flapless landing/landing without slats/flaps 襟翼被卡阻the flaps are jammed 阻力板,擾流板(內、外側擾流板)(擾流板放下、打開)spoilers (inboard/outboard spoiler) (spoiler down\up) 減速板(阻流板)speed brakes/air braking 起落架landing gear/undercarriage 起落架鎖定/未鎖定gear locked/unlocked 起落架前輪nose wheel 起落架艙wheel well 起落架艙門wheel door 放下起落架(收上起落架)extend/lower/deploy the gear (retract the gear) 放輪(收輪)gear extension (gear retraction) 起落架被卡阻the gear is jammed 應急放下系統emergency extension system 搖動放下起落架crank the gear down/manually lower the gear 輪胎爆破Burst tyre/blow out/flat tyre 癟胎deflated tyre 漏胎flat tyre 輪胎被扎破puncture 反推裝置thrust reverser 排氣道和尾錐tail cone 天線antenna 客艙passenger cabin 地板floor 頂棚(板)ceiling 機上廚房galley 廁所toilet 前(后)貨艙forward(after)hold (下)貨艙lower cargo compartment 航行燈navigation light 左(右)著陸燈left(right)landing lamp 閃光燈flash light 警告燈warning light (二)航空器系統(aircraft system) 1.動力系統(powerplant system) 輔助動力裝置APU(auxiliary power unit) 引擎短艙 nacelle (engine cowling) 螺旋槳propeller 風車windmill 發動機吸進了鳥/水bird/water ingestion 外來物損傷FOD(foreign object damage) 發動機失效engine failure 機械故障engineering trouble/mechanical problem 發動機熄火engine flame out 抖動vibration 馬力小 the engine is low on power 停車engine shutdown 發動機喘振 engine surge 振動vibration 動作筒actuator 風扇fan 氣缸cylinder\EGT(exhaust gas temperature排氣溫度) 2.燃油系統(fuel system) 燃油箱 fuel tanks 燃油泵fuel pump 燃油油壓過低警告燈low fuel pressure warning lights 煤油kerosene 航空煤油aviation kerosene 升壓,增壓(泵)boost(pump) 放油fuel dumping/jettison 消耗consume 油箱fuel tank 油量不足short of fuel 不充足insufficient 剩余remain 燃油增壓泵fuel booster pump 燃油(滑油)壓力低fuel(oil)pressure low(drop) 3.液壓(滑油)系統hydraulic(oil)system· 滑油溫度表 oil temperature indicator 千斤頂(actuating) jacks 密封圈seals 活門valve。 4.電器系統(electrical system) 發電機generator motor 無線電設備Radio equipment (備份)保險絲(spare)fuse 電線wire 插頭plug 電路circuit 跳開關circuit breaker 電瓶(電壓)battery(voltage) 電表ammeter 繼電器relay 調壓器voltage regulator 5.空調系統(air-conditioning system) 密封系統Sealing system 增壓系統pressurization system 通風系統venting system 氧氣設備oxygen equipment 減壓 釋壓decompression 減壓 釋壓depressurize 失密pressure failure 冷卻 cooling 加熱 heating 氧氣面罩oxygen mask 流量flow 駕駛艙加溫pilot cabin heat 6.剎車系統(brakesystem) 剎車brakes 防滯裝置an anti-skid device 防滯剎車anti-skid brake 剎車不可靠the brakes are unreliable 剎車狀況不好 braking action is poor 松剎車brakes released 剎車brakes set 氣剎車pneumatic braking 手剎車manual braking 7.應急系統(emergencysystem) 滅火系統extinguisher system 防冰系統deicing system 超溫(過熱)overheat 發動機滅火瓶engine fire bottles 機翼除冰wing deicing (三)駕駛艙(cockpit) 1.操縱系統(control system) 飛行操縱系統flight control system 飛行管理計算機系統(FMCS)flight management computer system 人工操縱系統manual controls 自動駕駛操縱系統autopilot controls 自動油門系統auto throttle system 儀表著陸系統instrument landing system 中央操縱臺center console 操縱臺control stand 控制板control panel 桿levers/stick/column 操縱桿control column 操縱手柄handle 油門thrust levers 按鈕或旋鈕knobs 開關switch 曲柄(搖把)cranks 前輪轉彎手操作盤nose wheel steering hand wheel 機內通話inter communication 耳機head set 裝載與配平系統weight and balance system 2.航空器儀表(aircraft instrument) 儀表instrument /gauge/indicator 儀表板instrument panel 頂部儀表板overhead panel 主顯示系統primary display system 指示器(儀表)indicator 飛行指引儀flight director 地評議horizon indicator 備份地評議stand by gyro-horizon 發動機儀表engine indicator 高度表altimeter 氣壓高度表pressure altimeter 無線電高度表radio altimeter 空速表airspeed indicator 升降速度表vertical speed indicator(rate of climb and descent indicator) 轉速表R.P.M(revolutions per minute) 起落架位置指示器landing gear/undercarriage position indicator 剎車壓力表brake pressure gauge 偏流指示器deviation altimeter 超溫(過熱)overheat 3.航空器動作(aircraft manoeuvre) 俯仰pitch/tilt 橫滾roll 偏轉yaw 壓坡度bank the aircraft 抬(提)起lift off/rotate 抬機頭pitch up the aircraft (to nose up) 推機頭pitch down the aircraft (to nosedown) 大角度爬升climb steeply 修正動作corrective action 改平level off 失速stall 螺旋spin 從失速中改出recover from stall 急轉彎sharp turn 減慢(速度)slow down 跟蹤trail 二、氣象(meteorology) (一)云(cloud) 云底高ceiling 少云 FEW 1~2/8, few 疏云 SCT 3~4/8, scattered 裂開云,多云 5~7/8, broken 滿天云 8/8 , overcast (continuous) 在云中In cloud 斷續云中In and out of cloud 云在增加cloud is building up 云在消散cloud is clearing up/dissipating 積雨云CB(cumulonimbus) 塔狀積雨云towering cumulonimbus (二)能見度(visibility) 晴空sky clear 薄霧Mist 輕霧light fog 濃霧dense fog 吹霧,平流霧drifting fog 霧在消散fog is clearing up 霧越來越濃fog is getting worse 霾Haze 煙Smoke 煙霧Smog 沙暴sandstorm (三)風(wind) 風wind 地面風surface wind 無風(靜風)wind calm 微風light wind 中速風moderate wind 強風strong wind 順風tailwind 頂風headwind 側風crosswind 陣風gust 陣風達8 m/s, gusts up to 8 m/s 風向風速儀wind-gauge 穩定風steady wind 風向不穩定variable wind 風越來越大the wind is getting stronger 風切變wind shear 微暴microburst 風暴storm 渦流vortex(vortices) (四)顛簸(turbulence) 晴空顛簸clear air turbulence 中度顛簸moderate turbulence 嚴重顛簸severe turbulence 平穩的smooth 上升氣流updraught 下降氣流downdraught 高空急流jet stream (五)降水(precipitation) 小雨light rain 大雨heavy rain 間歇性雨intermittent rain 連續性降水continuous rain 偶爾下陣雨occasional showers 零零散散的陣雨scattered showers 毛毛雨drizzle 雪snow 凍雨freezing rain 雨夾雪sleet 颮(線)squall 颶風hurricane 龍卷風tornado 冰雹hail 雷暴thunderstorm 閃電光flash of lightning 閃電lightning 雹暴hailstorm 雪暴snowstorm 結冰icing (六)溫度(temperature) 外界溫度,大氣溫度outside air temperature 露點溫度dewpoint 溫度在上升the temperature is rising 溫度在下降the temperature is falling/dropping 溫度穩定the temperature is steady (七)跑道道面狀況(runway surface condition) 在化的雪melting snow 雪水(或半化的雪)slush 雪堆snow drift 雪清除snow clearance 跑道上有結冰the runway is icy 冰塊(跑道上結的一塊塊冰)ice patches 跑道濕the runway is wet 跑道滑the runway is slippery 積水pools of water/ standing water 、floodwater 剎車效應差braking action is poor 剎車效應好braking action is good 剎車效應中braking action is medium 三、機場車輛(airport vehicle) 地面車輛ground vehicle/car 機坪車輛ramp vehicle 引導車follow me car 空調車air condition car 運送乘客巴士shuttle bus 大客車coach 擺渡車airport passenger bus/ferry 餐車galley service truck 食品車(配餐車)catering truck 拖車tow tug/towing tractor 拖把tow bar 機載客梯air stairs/steps 地面電源車ground power vehicle (unit) 氣源車pneumatic 救火車fire engine(truck) 救護車ambulance 急救車first-aid 加油車refueller 油車tank car 供水車water service truck 平臺車dolly 保安運貨車security van 牽引車tractor 犁雪車snow plough 吹雪車runway snow blower 除冰車ice-melter 吊臂車cherry-picker 挖土車bull-dozer 起重機crane 四、地面相關設備與服務(relevant ground equipment and service) 服務設備furnishing equipment 醫療服務medical service 安全服務safety services 候機樓terminal 客/停機坪apron/ramp 廊橋(英)air bridge/loading bridge 廊橋(美)jetway 登機口passenger gate 海關customs 輸送帶conveyor 地勤ground handling 機庫hangar 艙單load sheet 航空運貨單air waybill 登機(英)embark/board 輪擋wheel chock 風擋刮水器(美)windshield wiper 風擋刮水器(英)windscreen wiper 下飛機,從飛機上卸下(英)disembark/unload 地面電源插座external socket 地面電源ground power 外部電源external power 拔下地面(外部) 電源disconnect ground(external) power 接上地面(外部) 電源reset ground(external) power 氣源start air 供氣supply start air 拔下(接上)氣源disconnect(reset)start air unit 消防隊fire service/assistance 故障排除trouble shooting/fixed 航空常用英語單詞 五、關于非正常情況和緊急情況的詞匯及詞組 A: Abort take-off/reject/abandon中斷起飛 A flock of birds一群鳥 At your own discretion由你自己決定 Adjust調整 As published根據公布的 Airborne升空 Active runway(runway in use)正在使用的跑道 Air conditioning smoke=pack空調冒煙 Anonymous call(letter)匿名電話(信) Anti-icing system inoperative防冰系統不工作 allocate分配 aileron副翼 auxiliary輔助 attacked攻擊 B: Backtrack調頭 Belly landing(gear up landing)機腹落地 Bird strike鳥擊 Birds ingestion吸鳥 Bomb炸彈 Breaking action剎車效應 Braking action poor剎車效應差 Burst tyre/blow out/flat tyre爆胎 burn off消耗 baggage loader傳送帶 blast fence氣流檔板 C: Cabin fire客艙失火 Caution wake turbulence注意尾流 Cabin temperature is rising客艙溫度升高 Cargo fire/smoke貨艙失火/冒煙 Center of gravity to the rear重心靠后 Commence開始 Converging會聚 Cockpit window broken駕駛艙窗戶出現問題 Converging traffic匯聚飛機 conflict沖突 cough咳 cracked破裂 chemicals of industrial化學品 crane operating=hoist吊車 crossfeed valve failure D: Distance距離 Destination目的地 Detect探測 Deviate from the corridor偏出走廊 Discharge extinguisher(agent)噴射滅火瓶(滅火劑 Ditching水上迫降 Dumping(jettison)放油 Due separation=spcing由于間隔 debris=fragments(metal strips)碎片 dense smoke濃煙\drunk醉酒 dispatched派遣\decelerating減速 disease outbreak疾病爆發 detonate explosives引爆炸藥 E: Electric smoke or fire電器冒煙或火警 Emergency braking應急剎車 Emergency descent緊急下降 Emergency evacuation緊急撤離 Emergency gear extension not available(failure)應急放輪不成功 Emergency gear extension應急放輪 Emergency landing緊急落地 Engine failure發動機失效 Engine fire發動機失火\ Epidemic=pandemic流行病 F: Fire engine/fire truck救火車 fuel dumping/fuel jettison放油 Fuel leak out漏油 Flame out熄火 Fly around (go round, circumnavigate, detour, offset)繞航 Forced landing迫降 Fuel level is going down燃油液面下降 fade area盲區 fever發燒 fuel starvation不足=fuel supply fighter戰斗機 fainted暈倒 first-aid relief materials on baord緊急藥品 flight strip printer飛行進程單 G: Give way to讓路 Glide path下滑道 Ground air地面氣源 Ground power地面電源 gun-launched area火箭炮空地 H: Hijacker劫持者 Heart attack/disease心臟病 Hydraulic pressure is dropping rapidly液壓壓力快速跌落 Hydraulic system leak液壓系統泄漏 automatic direction finding system自動指引系統 ADFS\helicopter直升機 hypertension lost consciousness高血壓失去知覺 badly hurt=injury I: Intercept localizer切航道 ntention打算 incursion入侵 illuminated照明 J: Jammed stabilizer landing安定面卡阻 L: Level change on route航路上高度改變 Left or right at your convenience左右隨你 Low pass低空通場 M: Military movement軍事活動 Maneuver left or right右左機動 Make further checks作進一步調查 Mechanical failure機械故障 mistake=false=incorrect錯誤 mountain山脈=air convective make a short circuit小航線 N: No restriction無限制 Noise abatement procedure減噪音程序 Nose gear steering inoperative前輪轉彎不工作 O: Opposite direction相反方向 Obstacle(obstruction)障礙物 Overheat超溫 orbit盤旋 organize組織 obese肥胖=policy violation P: Parallel runway (taxiway)平行跑道(滑行道) PAX baggage identification旅客行李識別 PAX evacuation旅客撤離 PAX stairs/steps旅客客梯 Proceeding to飛往,前往 Prohibited area禁區 Priority landing優先落地 Prohibited(forbidden)area禁區 Q:quarantine隔離 quarreled爭吵 R: Reduce減小 Revised app. clearance修正的進近許可 Registered No.注冊號碼 Rest route unchanged其余航路不變 Reason unknown原因不明 Returning(coming back)返場 S: Same direction同向 Short of fuel燃油短缺 Skid off (slide off)滑出 Slight( moderate, severe,serious) turbulence輕 |