我們有時候在查找FAA的各種資料時,避免不了接觸FAA發布的各類“文件”。除了FAR規章以外,常見的還有Advisory Circular(AC),Orders and Notice,Information for Operators (InFOs),以及Safety Alerts for Operators (SAFOs)。 這些種類的文件都是什么目的?應該怎么看待和使用這些文件呢?其實在FAA官網的Guidance部分 https://www.faa.gov/guidance/ 是有說明的。
Advisory Circulars: The Advisory Circular (AC) system provides a single, uniform, agency-wide system that the FAA uses to deliver advisory material to FAA customers, industry, the aviation community, and the public. ACs cover a broad range of topics within the FAA. The FAA maintains all current and updated ACs in a single database.
咨詢通告(AC)系統是一個FAA用于向FAA的客戶、工業、航空界和公眾提供咨詢材料的統一的系統。ACs涵蓋的主題非常廣。FAA在一個數據庫中維護所有現行有效和更新版本的AC。發現了沒,FAA在AC的一般性說明中,并沒有對AC的作用作出表述,這是為什么的,因為每個AC都有自己的Purpose以及How to Use,拿最近發布的AC120-121 Safety Risk Management Involving Items in Aircraft Cargo來舉個栗子。
PURPOSE OF THIS ADVISORY CIRCULAR (AC). This AC provides guidance in performing a safety risk assessment, as part of Safety Risk Management (SRM), associated with the transport of various types of items in the aircraft cargo compartment and the value of considering the inherent hazardous properties of these items. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies. This guidance is not legally binding in its own right and will not be relied upon by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a separate basis for affirmative enforcement action or other administrative penalty. Conformity with this guidance document is voluntary only and nonconformity will not affect rights and obligations under existing statutes and regulations.
Orders and Notices: FAA orders and notices are issued by the FAA as guidance material for FAA personnel. While FAA personnel are the primary audience for orders/notices, the aviation industry may use orders/notices as reference and the general public may find particular orders/notices of interest. The FAA maintains all of its current and updated orders and notices on a single database.
指令和通告由FAA發布,作為FAA人員的指導材料。雖然FAA人員是指令和通告的主要受眾,但航空業可能會使用它們作為參考,一般公眾可能會找到感興趣的內容。FAA在一個數據庫中維護所有現行有效和更新版本的指令和通告。瞧黑板,Order和Notice首先的對象是FAA自己人,比如Order8260.3,也就是TERPS,是給FAA的程序設計人員用的。當然,運營人等其他各方如果想參考這些文件,也是可以的,但注意,一定是參考,不是依據。Information for Operators (InFOs)
Information for Operators (InFOs): An InFO contains valuable information for operators that should help them meet certain administrative, regulatory, or operational requirements with relatively low urgency or impact on safety. InFOs are maintained on a single database.
運營人信息通告包含有價值的信息,可以幫助他們滿足某些管理、法規或操作要求,而這些要求的緊迫性或對安全的影響相對較小。信息通報在一個數據庫中進行維護。Safety Alerts for Operators (SAFOs)
運營人安全警示包含重要的安全信息,可能還包括建議措施。航空公司在履行其法定職責,為公眾利益提供盡可能安全的服務時,應特別重視有關安全警示的內容。安全警示在一個數據庫上進行維護。SAFO里會有建議措施的,這個我們國內就有很多種文件形式了,不再列舉。 |